Our services

Real Estate Law
The Real Estate Department handles property transactions anywhere in Belgium, particularly:
- Sales (private sales and public auctions, including new-build sales governed by the Loi Breyne, and life annuity sales);
- Sales of undivided interests.
- Loans of all kinds (private professional, etc.), be they secured by a lender’s lien or mortgage mandate;
- Subdivision agreements, be they vertical (housing estate plots) or horizontal (block of flats held in joint and compulsory undivided ownership: creation and modification regardless of the size of the building);
- Exchanges;
- Leases (creation and termination) and more particularly leasehold (creation and sale);
- Waivers of right to buy and creation of surface rights.
- Real estate leases;
- Easements (creation, modification, termination).
The department handles such cases from start (preparation of the purchase offer, purchase option, transfer of the purchase option, preliminary contract, etc.) to completion (deed of sale), providing you with expert advice throughout the process.
Contact usFamily and Inheritance Law
The Inheritance Law Department handles cases relating to:
- Incapacity: temporary administration, minority, appeal, sale, public sale.
- Unions and marriages: marriage contract, legal cohabitation, changes to matrimonial regimes, divorce.
- Inheritance planning: testament, gifting movable assets, gifting immovable assets, conversion and waiver of usufruct.
- Inheritance: declaration of inheritance and estate settlement, distribution, sale of undivided interests.
- Procedures: bankruptcy, foreclosure, compulsory division of property (settlement statement, amicable agreements and settlements), compulsory public sales.

Corporate and Association Law
The Corporate Department handles cases relating to:
- Creations: all forms of company, association or foundation, listed or unlisted.
- Changes to Articles of Association: all amendments, updates and reforms.
- Capital transactions: increase and reduction in capital, non-cash sales of property, bond and rights issuance, repurchase of own shares.
- Corporate restructuring: change in legal form, merger, division and similar transactions, contribution and transfer of shares and business segments, merger, division and cross-border conversion.
- Dissolution – liquidation: placing into liquidation and dissolution.
- Other transactions: any corporate transaction relating to real estate or assets.
Public and biddit sales
We take care of public sales and we also offer to put your property up for public auction via the online platform Biddit.
If you would like more information, please contact your usual notary or our secretariat in order to to set up an appointment to talk about it.

Legalizations and apostilles
Our reception team works directly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will advise you in your procedures.